Week 5: Unit Tests and Documentation with Sphinx#
Learning Outcomes#
Forking a GitHub project. Creating documentation for you own Python package. Featuring jmbejara/quantstats_lumi
How do I generate documentation? What role do docstrings play?
What makes for a good unit test?
Interesting News:
Discuss news from year ago: Pockets of Predictability and Pockets of Predictabliity: Replication
Simple error: Open source can help avoid errors.
Financial Times: “The Norwegian sovereign wealth fund’s $92mn Excel error”
Washington Post: “Excel spreadsheet error leads Austrian party to announce wrong leader”
Review questions from HW 3 and purpose of HW 3
Forking a GitHub project. Creating documentation for you own Python package. Featuring jmbejara/quantstats_lumi
How do I generate documentation? What role do docstrings play?
Announcement: Final Project List and Rubric Available Tomorrow
Projects will start being assigned on Wednesday.
Preferences will be weighted using a normalization scheme.
If you have prior experience working with one of these asset classes, please email me.