Week 4: Generating Reports, featuring Jupyter Notebooks and LaTeX#
Learning Outcomes#
Familiarity with using Markdown cells within Jupyter Notebooks
Why should I only use Jupyter notebooks for final reports (not as steps within the pipeline)?
Familiarity with
to convert notebooks to scripts, HTML, PDFsUsing
to execute a notebook from the command line. (Why would we want to do this?)How to fit a notebook into the PyDoit workflow? (Use the workflow set up in my
GitHub template repo.)
Generate tear sheet. Use Pandas Datareader to get data from Ken French’s website.
Publish report to GitHub Pages.
Automatic generation of HTML notebook reports. Why are notebooks difficult with Git?
Generating reports with LaTeX in dodo.py
Introduction Compustat and CRSP/Compustat Merged Data
CRSP industry merge example
Review CRSP and Compustat cleaning procedure.
TA Session on Friday#
Basic familiarity with LaTeX.
Ability to edit and compile LaTeX templates in
repo usingTeXworks
(which is included with TeX Live).Understanding of how to automate the inclusion of an image or table into a LaTeX document.