Week 4: Generating Reports, featuring Jupyter Notebooks and LaTeX

Week 4: Generating Reports, featuring Jupyter Notebooks and LaTeX#

Learning Outcomes#

  • Familiarity with using Markdown cells within Jupyter Notebooks

    • Why should I only use Jupyter notebooks for final reports (not as steps within the pipeline)?

    • Familiarity with nbconvert to convert notebooks to scripts, HTML, PDFs

    • Using nbconvert to execute a notebook from the command line. (Why would we want to do this?)

    • How to fit a notebook into the PyDoit workflow? (Use the workflow set up in my blank_project GitHub template repo.)


  • Blank Project Simple Template

    • Generate tear sheet. Use Pandas Datareader to get data from Ken French’s website.

    • Publish report to GitHub Pages.

  • Automatic generation of HTML notebook reports. Why are notebooks difficult with Git?

    • Generating reports with LaTeX in dodo.py

  • Introduction Compustat and CRSP/Compustat Merged Data

    • CRSP industry merge example

    • Review CRSP and Compustat cleaning procedure.

TA Session on Friday#

  • Introduction to LaTeX

  • Basic familiarity with LaTeX.

    • Ability to edit and compile LaTeX templates in blank_project repo using TeXworks (which is included with TeX Live).

    • Understanding of how to automate the inclusion of an image or table into a LaTeX document.