Week 1: GitHub, GitHub Classroom, and Virtual Environments#
To do before class: Homework 0#
Complete the steps to set up your computing environment. These are described in the ungraded homework, “Homework 0”. While this is ungraded and there is no due date, you should do this as soon as possible. These steps will guide you through the set up needed to complete the homework in this course.
The broad objective is to define the purpose of the course, the discussions page on GitHub, how to access the course textbook, and how to download and submit homework assignments via GitHub classroom.
Introduction and Syllabus
Who am I?
Review syllabus.
Review Homework 0”
What is the purpose and scope of the course?
Discuss the final project? What will students do? What is the purpose?
Demonstrate how course will be using GitHub. Show how to download and submit assignments.
Work through an in-class example of submitting homework on GitHub Classroom. Use the inclass example here: https://classroom.github.com/a/umaHTFal
Show students how to clone the assignment repository.
Show students how to sign up for GitHub Classroom (use assignment link)
Complete Example HWs together and submit them on GitHub Classroom
Discuss Virtual Environments
Discuss Case Study: Atlanta Fed Wage Growth Tracker
Discuss and start Homework 1
Homework 1#
Learning objects for HW1: Introduction to GitHub, using unit tests and GitHub actions for autograding, and downloading data from FRED to study repo spikes