Homework 5#
Learning Outcomes#
Learn to pull options data from WRDS
Learn to deploy a Sphinx site to Vercel
Learn to protect a Vercel site using Clerk
The assignment is located at the following GitHub Education link: https://classroom.github.com/a/UiVW8xxG
This homework focuses on understanding and implementing SPX hedging with options. For this homework, you simply need to do the following:
Complete the SQL query in
to pull the SPX options data from WRDS. Completeing this query should solve the tests insrc/test_spx_hedging_functions.py
.Take the resulting Sphinx site generated in
and deploy it to Vercel, and protect it from unauthenticated and unauthorized access using Clerk. You can do this using Example 7 from my simple_auth repo here: jmbejara/simple_authAdd one of your classmates as an authorized user to your Vercel project.
For more information on how to use the OptionMetrics data, see the following resources: