Homework 4#

Learning Outcomes#

  • Learn to deploy a web page using GitHub pages.

  • Learn to publish live, automatically updating dashboards using Jupyter, Sphinx, GitHub Actions.


The assignment is located at the following GitHub Education link: https://classroom.github.com/a/F2vSH9AI

Part 1#

In order to round out our skills with Github, please complete the following tutorials from the GitHub Skills page. Please make sure to use public repositories for this in your own GitHub user account. You will provide a link later to demonstrate that it was completed.

You will receive points by add the URL to your completed skills repos from above in the HW repo linked above and by indicating that you have finished this task by marking the unit test as passing.

Part 2#

You will receive points by add the URL to your page in the linked repo and by indicating that you have finished this task by marking the unit test as passing.

For this HW, please create a website like the demo discussed on the last day of class. See the example from class here (https://jeremybejarano.com/example-updating-dashboard/index.html) along with the accompanying code here (jmbejara/example-updating-dashboard).

You only need to make minor modifications to the site just to demonstrate that you have the ability to “make it your own.” You don’t actually need to change much. Just demonstrate that you know how to deploy the site and make minor changes. Therefore, please do the following:

That’s it! It’s fine to make minimal changes. Hopefully this is enough just to demonstrate that you can do these core tasks.