Week 4: Generating Reports, featuring Jupyter Notebooks and LaTeX#

Learning Outcomes#

  • Familiarity with using Markdown cells within Jupyter Notebooks

    • Why should I only use Jupyter notebooks for final reports (not as steps within the pipeline)?

    • Familiarity with nbconvert to convert notebooks to scripts, HTML, PDFs

    • Using nbconvert to execute a notebook from the command line. (Why would we want to do this?)

    • How to fit a notebook into the PyDoit workflow? (Use the workflow set up in my blank_project GitHub template repo.)

  • Basic familiarity with LaTeX.

    • Ability to edit and compile LaTeX templates in blank_project repo using TeXworks (which is included with TeX Live).

    • Understanding of how to automate the inclusion of an image or table into a LaTeX document.


  • Review HW 2. Meaning of new series? Lessons learned note? What were some gotchas?

    • People downloaded data in different ways. Some in fixed-width format, some in CSV format. Some included different samples, e.g. different time periods. Some included extra columns than others.

    • Some people had errors with the handling of the dates when using .describe(). This came up because they were using the wrong version of Pandas. Importance of using requirements.txt and conda environments.

    • s24 didn’t pass even though all previous tests pass. Unit tests sometimes don’t cover all corner cases.

    • Slipped in .env into GitHub repo and that caused everything to fall apart. Important to never commit .env to your GitHub repo.

    • VS Code editor tips. Send code to interactive tab option and shift enter. Step through code because loading can take a long time.

  • Final projects. Show example based on blank template. List will be released. Submit survey with group member names. Rank projects.

  • Review WRDS Python package functionality using walkthrough here.

  • Review CRSP and Compustat cleaning procedure.

  • Discuss generation of value weighted market index in terms of psuedo code?

  • Introduction to LaTeX

  • Generating reports with LaTeX in dodo.py

  • Automatic generation of HTML notebook reports. Why are notebooks difficult with Git?