Homework 1#

Learning Outcomes#

  • Do in class: Introduction to GitHub and GitHub Education

    • Make sure students get added to GitHub Education. Start with Example HW

    • Make sure students know how to clone HW repository

    • Learn basic usage of PyTest to test HW solutions

    • Learn how to submit HW via GitHub Education

  • Do on own: Learn how to pull data from FRED and pulling from a simple API (OFR data api)

  • Discuss in Class: Experience with analyzing wholesale funding markets with data from FRED


Part 1#

In order to start mastering the many features of Github, please complete the following tutorials from the GitHub Skills page. Please make sure to use public repositories for this in your own GitHub user account. You will provide a link later to demonstrate that it was completed.

Part 2#

Next, a coding assignment is located at the following GitHub Education link: https://classroom.github.com/a/fhO2s7CT

There are a total of TBD exercises. Each exercise is described in a file called test_exercise_XX.py. For example, exercise 1 is described in test_exercise_01.py and exercise 2 is described in test_exercise_02.py. Each exercise may have sub-parts in them. Each subpart is worth 1 point. The total points available for the assignment can be obtained by summing the number of subparts across all exercises.